Friday 29 March 2024

Spring update

The weather has been a bit back and forth -- not as nice as I want it to be, but plenty of nice days scattered throughout.  I've been swimming more frequently now -- hopefully it won't be long before that's a daily possibility -- had my 18th swim of 2024 today!

We've been taking advantage of the weather as much as we can -- Danny is today replacing the very rotted frame on the back door:


The barn doors are also getting rotten wood replaced and a fresh coat of paint.  I considered bright pink but on reflection thought it might be better to stick with blue!

It is fairly amazing how quickly the driving rain removes paint from surfaces -- it's like having everything powerwashed all winter long...

On the egg front, the ducks have finally decided to start laying and the hens have finally gotten into their swing...

After eating several goose eggs, we decided that we want to see if they will hatch us some little goosies -- so Danny built them this little shelter out of pallets and presto, she's started laying in it and they are being VERY aggressive if we try to go near it.  Hopefully in about another week she'll decided that she's laid enough eggs and start sitting on them. 

I did make hamantaschen last week for Purim but totally forgot to take a photo at the time.  Here are the last three -- I am showing such restraint!!!  Once upon a time I would have eaten the whole batch within 24 hours...  :)  Not to worry though -- hot cross buns are about to go into the oven, so we won't starve to death...  :)

We've got a new cover on the polytunnel -- fingers crossed we get a good few years out of this one as getting it on is a major PITA...

And last but certainly not least -- my favourite vegetable(!) is poking its head up!  :)

Thursday 21 March 2024

Spring equinox

Beautiful day for the equinox yesterday -- sunny, no wind -- it really felt like spring was finally here!

I had a lovely solo swim -- first of the year...

We are not at peak daffodil yet, but they are starting to come out...

And we FINALLY got to have a fire!  We didn't have one for autumn equinox because Danny had just had his hernia op and wasn't up to it, and we tried to start one for winter solstice but a sudden hail storm put a stop to that, so I'm glad we finally succeeded this time -- and we had nearly a full moon watching over us!

But now we are back to the 40+ mph winds and rain and tomorrow morning's boat has been cancelled so I guess it is not really spring yet!  Fingers crossed it comes soon!  :)

Saturday 16 March 2024

Mend & Make Do

I bought this coat sometime in the early 90s at Dollar a Pound in Kenmore Square.  It's quite light really, so maybe it cost 50 cents?  I've just spent an hour or so mending and reinforcing tears and seams and it's good as new again -- ready to give me another 30 or so years of use -- and remember -- it was second hand to start with! 

I think the label says it all really!

Friday 8 March 2024

Our first goose egg!

On the left, a normal hen egg.  On the right the whopper of a goose egg that Danny just stole from their nest!  It weighs 206 grams, so about 4 hen eggs.

We plan to steal a few and then let them sit and hatch us some little baby geese fingers crossed!

Sunday 3 March 2024

Shipwreck update

X marks the spot where some long ago ship builder made his mark on this piece of wood!

We had Ben Saunders from Wessex Archaeology on the island on Thursday and Friday, and with the help of various residents, all the pieces of the ship were tagged and numbered and then dismantled and moved off the beach.

Lots of measurements and photographs were taken, as well as slices of the wood -- the next step now is that they will take this information and attempt to figure out where the trees grew and when they were harvested.  Ben thinks that there's a possibility that this could be 17th Century!

The Receiver of Wrecks has also been notified about the ship, and assuming that the owner (LOL!) does not come forward to claim it, it will eventually belong to the island and then we, as a community, will get to decide what we want to do with it.

Freya of course has no interest in the ship at all -- she is just happy to have a good stretch in the sunshine!