Friday was the annual Sanday Agricultural Show -- not quite as big as the Royal Welsh, but as this is the first show I've been to since before pandemic, I'm not complaining! Also, I've had longer walks from the car at the Royal Welsh to the show than we had from our house -- this is the view of the show field from our driveway:
In accordance with the rule that if there is something on the menu I've never eaten before I must order it, I tried the Scottish speciality of macaroni cheese chips... I like macaroni cheese and I like chips, but this is possibly the stodgiest thing I have eaten in my life!
Random things I took pictures of at the show in no particular order:
And for a little Cookie update: She doesn't seem to have worked out how reading the weather forecast works! She looked at it and then went out in the rain and came back looking like a little drowned rat! But she did catch her first vole the other night! (Vole not pictured...)