Thursday 11 July 2024

Shearing 2024 is Done

And that's all the sheep sheared!  It never fails to amaze me how different they look after shearing -- when I go to check them now, I really have to stop and think who's who...

The long term goal is still to make all our own clothing from this stuff, but in the short term I've realised that it's realistically several years before I'm going to have time to learn how to spin, and the fleeces are going to keep piling up, so I've decided to sell this year's fleeces.  If you're interested in one, I've got them listed for sale here.

In unrelated but sad news, there's been a mass stranding of pilot whales on one of the beaches here...  (Not my photo)  Poor little whales...  :(  None of them are expected to survive.

Monday 1 July 2024

Teenage chicks...


We've let the teenage chicks (and Mummy) out of their run -- at six weeks old, they are now big enough that we don't have to worry about Cookie eating them...

This morning the cockerel was very keen to have his way with Mummy hen -- she wasn't having any of it!  :)

Really looking forward to seeing these grow up and find out what their final colouring will look like -- and find out how many boys and how many girls!