Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Penblwydd Hapus i Fi

Yes, last Sunday was my birthday, and I am now a staggering 37 years old...

Spotted this lovely rainbow on the way to the Cawdor for a lovely meal with T who also gave me the most beautiful book in the world...

Also got from Angela & David the most clever bowl in the world -- it has got a foot to help it keep steady when you are beating things! I will most definately be cooking with it tomorrow...


Tameson said...

That's a wicked cool bowl!

Happy belated birthday - my 39th is coming up in just over a month - not sure how I feel about that yet.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Love your bowl (and your blog which I came to via the Orkneys despite the fact that I live in Wales too). Also like your white bluebells, ours are resolutely and beautifully blue but wouldn't mind a shot of white too.