Wednesday 2 February 2022

Polytunnel progress

Haven't posted much recently because it has just been non-stop wind, so it's been hard to get anything done outside...

I started these broad beans in the porch about a month ago and they are getting far too leggy and need to go out in the garden now, but I need a week that's not torrential wind to do it in...

Today was a miraculous day without wind (well, it's currently 11mph gusting to 18mph, but after the week we've had, that counts as not having any wind!) so we got holes dug for the frame for the polytunnel.  Now we just need a few dry days to concrete them in...

Have also started some peas in the porch which have just started to come up...

And rocks -- for the concrete -- why ring the builder's yard to deliver when you can just go to the beach and gather them for free?!  :)



Aunt Lynn said...

Looks like you are off to a great start. Love you🥰

Jessica Bwlchyrhyd said...

I love you too Aunt Lynn!