Monday 7 March 2022

Coming out of Hibernation...

We are slowly coming out of our enforced hibernation from the wind.  We've only had about four days in the last month and a half where the weather was calm enough to do anything outside -- until this weekend when we had FOUR glorious days of dry, sunny, calm weather!  

We've made some more progress with the fencing -- nearly done with the first field...

Whilst working on the fencing, we had from one side the inquisitive cows (except for the grumpy bugger off in the distance who couldn't be bothered...):

And on the other side, little Freya, who explores further and further each day...

Random things are starting to come up -- things that I knew were there, like these chives that Jo gave me in what seems like another lifetime when we called in to see her not far off this time last year when we were on our way up to Llyn Brianne to go camping to get away from people...

...and things that I didn't know were there, and are just randomly popping up in the midst of weeds and rubbish!

The polytunnel is also coming along nicely -- hopefully I'll be able to start planting things in there soon!

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