Tuesday 11 June 2024

Chick pics!

Firstly, let me just tell you how difficult photographing chicks is...  They are all in pens to stop them being food for Cookie, so as I walk around the pen looking for an angle, the Mummy Hen invariably walks around with me, staying in-between me and the chicks.  Then there's the fact that the chicks never stand still even for half a second.  Anyhow, thank you for putting up with the fact that these are not the best pictures...

This is the first lot who are now four and a half weeks old -- they have got quite a bit of their feathers now and it is looking like two of them -- one white and one black -- have got some of the markings of the bantam -- so hopefully we will end up with a hen who has the broody traits of a bantam and the size of a full sized hen!
And here are the new ones hatched on Thursday -- one white and four dark.  Unfortunately the hen with the first lot is a bantam and this hen is not, so using the hens as a reference for comparing the size of the chicks is useless!  Must go find my banana...  :)

And just so they don't feel left out, here are some of this year's lambs -- starting to get chunky!

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