Saturday, 8 March 2025

Following on from last week's vole, now we have a mouse!  Possibly this is more a sign of the beginning of spring than it is a sign of the cats still loving me...!  :)

In big news, the thing we've been awaiting for some time now -- the contractors finally came and put the trunking for the fibre up our road!  They've been working on the island for something like six months now and I kept wondering when they would end up here...  Next step is for them to run the cable through the trunking and then connect it up to our house so fingers crossed in a few months time we should have a fibre connection which will make writing this blog easier as our currently upload speed is only around 1mbps!

Never mind elf on a shelf -- here's Cookie in a nook-ie...  :)  (Is that a word?  :) )

And chocolate seems to be the baking theme of the week...  Chocolate muffins (which slightly exploded because I overfilled -- because my eggs are too large!)...

...and chocolate hazelnut tart -- which also makes good use of all the eggs we are getting now.  We're nearly getting enough to start putting eggs for sale in the honesty box again!

And I've had another couple of swims so up to 12 for the year now!

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