Monday 6 August 2007


Right, so I can't get the lamb autopsied as the VLA isn't accepting any carcasses or samples at the present time, so I have no way of finding out what he died of and trying to prevent it happening again in future, and the local Animal Health office says that I can't even move the carcass to take it to the incinerator so I'm supposed to just find a quiet corner of my farm and leave him there to rot. Yeah, that sounds nice and safe and healthy...


Anonymous said...

Damn, that stinks (no pun). This all sounds incredibly stressful and sad. I hope whatever it was wasn't contagious.

It also reminds me how far detached my peers and I are from our food sources.

cyndy said...

i've been away, and i am just catching up on my blog so, very sorry for your little lambie...i hope all will work out ok for you, you must be so very concerned! thinking good thoughts, and sending them your way....

Anonymous said...

Yuck. Sorry about the lamb. That just doesn't sound good at all. I, too, hope it's not contagious.

Mojavi said...

man can't you even bury him??? I hope the rest of them will be ok!