Sunday 23 April 2023

The Outside World

One of the things about living on a very small remote island is that from time to time, you may need to leave your island...  I went to London a few weeks ago, which was my first time outside Orkney since we moved here 18 months ago.

I went there to see specific people, and that bit of the trip was fine, and I'm glad that I saw the people I saw, but being in London itself, London as a destination, being away from Orkney -- it's taken me a couple of weeks to write this post because I've been trying to process my thoughts about the trip, and I've finally come to the conclusion that I don't really need to leave Orkney for anything.  London is just a big crowded noisy place full of useless stuff.  (Photo below illustrates my point perfectly -- and there were SO many things I could have chosen to illustrate this...  And if you think that an "all-avocado casual dining concept" is NOT a useless thing, please go find something else to read...)

The outside world in general just has less and less relevance to my life.  Perhaps this is why I am not posting here as frequently -- because I am just getting on and doing stuff, and the idea of writing about it and sending it out into the void for unknown people to read seems rather pointless.

1 comment:

Bridget Booker said...

Having lived not far from London I never longed to go there.Far too many people living in close proximity to each other just fills me fear.
Living most of my life just on the grid is fab.

I do like to hear how you are getting on and enjoy whats been going on in and around your small holding.

Take care and enjoy it. Xx