Friday 30 June 2023

Pickled Beetroot

Pickled three pounds of homegrown beetroot the other day.  Mixture of standard red beetroot and gorgeous golden beetroot, but I think that the red juice is going to seep into the pickling liquid and stain the golden beetroot red...

Wait, that last photo isn't beetroot surely...  Nope, it's a little chick!  Four chicks from five eggs hatched on Wednesday.  No clue what happened to the fifth egg as it was gone once all four chicks were finished hatching.  Better pic of all the chicks to follow, but it's raining right now so don't want to make the chicks come out in the rain for photography purposes. 

Also, we sheared Pete -- worst looking shearing job of my life but first using hand shears so I imagine I will get better with practice.  Also photo to follow later as it's raining right now and I don't want to go out in the rain to take a photo!  We had hoped for action shots, but it ended up being a two person job (one to hold Pete and one with the shears) so Danny didn't get to take photos...


Anonymous said...

Oh I’d have paid good money for an action video of Pete sheering!! 😀

Anonymous said...

Can hardly wait to see pics. Hope it stops raining soon.