Sunday, 19 May 2024

May update

Yes, that is a bad photo, but we have chicks in assorted colours!  I haven't seen them all yet, but Danny tells me that there are six chicks (which means all the eggs hatched) and three are black and three are white.  The weather today has been rather wet, so hopefully tomorrow when it is sunny she'll bring them out and I'll get a better photo. 

Here's Cookie enjoying her best life and relaxing from the hard work she's been doing...

...helping us re-roof one of the barns!  :)

As per usual, I failed to take a before photo, but here's the old roof -- you can see why it needed replacing.  Danny did quite a bit of patching on it when we first came, but when you get to the point of putting patches on top of the patches...
Here's the stripped roof.  We've got the new panels on, but still some finishing work to be done so you'll have to wait a few more days for a finished photo...
Yesterday was Freya's 7th birthday, and she actually consented to pose for photo to mark the occasion!  

And here are all of this year's lambs -- getting them all in one photo is not an easy task!

1 comment:

Aunt Lynn said...

Love all the updates. Keep ‘em coming. 😘