Thursday 19 September 2024

Summer is here!

Yes, I am writing this on the 19th of September, three days short of equinox -- and I am pleased to announce that summer has finally arrived!  We've had something like four lovely days in a row now -- I've managed to swim on two of them (bringing my running total for the year to 51 swims) -- and I am thoroughly enjoying this...  Would have been nice if it had happened in July/August and lasted a month, but I'll take what I can get!  :)

Horatio continues to be a really lovely boy -- he answers to his name and he is incredibly gentle and loves cuddles -- and he's apparently not bothered about strangers like the rest of the sheep -- here he is with some of the primary school children happy as can be!

Proof that it really is summertime -- line dried sheets -- something I have had far too little of this summer!  There is not much that is nicer than getting into a freshly made bed with yummy smelling line dried sheets really...  :)

Friday 13 September 2024


Introducing Horatio!  He's the lovely Dutch spotted tup lamb on the left there.  He's only six months old, but he is already bigger than Pete (just to his right) who is 2.5 years old already.

The plan is to put him on some of my Shetland ewes and get some nice fat lambs that I can sell at mart next autumn.  He's really lovely tempered and very gentle -- but a bit lonely as Pete does not like him!