Sunday 5 December 2021

"No-dig" Gardening...

Today was a nice day (about 2C, and 15mph winds -- but except for a brief hailstorm while we were eating lunch, it stayed dry -- how quickly one's perspective on what qualifies as a nice day changes...) so we got a bit done outside.

Back when we were at Bwlchyrhyd, I remember reading about no-dig gardening and thinking, as we were busy double-digging the beds, that it would be a lovely idea and involve much less work...  I was so wrong...!  One may not be digging over the bed, but the amount of digging involved in moving around all the compost is just as much!

I've now nearly got a 9m x 9m square covered in manure...

And Jean's muck heap is nearly all gone!  (Must remember to start taking "before" photos of things...)

We've got the doors back on the rear end of the big barn that had blown off in a storm last winter:

And Danny has spent a fair amount of time up on roofs today patching holes and leaks ready for the next storm.  My job is to stand on the bottom of the ladder and hold it still so this is mainly my view:

Here's a video Danny shot from the top of one of the roofs:

And little Freya kitty is still sleeping in the weirdest positions imaginable...  :)



Tom Drysdale said...

J: Did you use cardboard for mulch barrier?

Jessica Bwlchyrhyd said...

No Tom, we haven't yet, but there is still also a layer of seaweed to go on top of this, so I may put cardboard in between the muck and the seaweed?