Tuesday 21 December 2021

Winter Solstice

Never before in my life has solstice been so relevant.  First shot is at 9:05 this morning:

We had a few hours of sunlight, and I was going to take a photo at midday to show how low the sun was in the sky at its "highest" but the cloud had already come in by then, so...  This photo is 3:11 this afternoon -- sunset -- or what little smidgen of it you can see through the clouds...

I didn't start to really feel the effects of the lack of sun until about two weeks ago, so hopefully this means in another two weeks time I will start to notice that it's coming back...

In chicken news, poorly chicken of indeterminate gender is not really getting better despite antibiotics and eye bathing.  Also, now that it's on its own isolated from the other chickens, its apparent to us how much its beak deformity is preventing it from eating properly, so this chicken sadly is going to become soup shortly..

Also, still no video of this, but I have now seen with my own eyes that the cockerel I heard crowing back in response to Big Boy was indeed the white one that we had previously thought was a hen.  So after indeterminate sex chicken gets culled, we will have three boys and one girl.  Time to get some more hens...

And in Other News, the site of the future garden is complete for now -- nice layer of horse muck topped with nice layer of rotting seaweed...  Fingers crossed by springtime I will have some nice tillable material for planting in...

So now it's on to clearing this, which is the site of the future polytunnel.  There is a LOT more rubbish than you can see here lurking half hidden in that grass just waiting for you to trip over it...

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