Sunday 7 January 2024

Sheep cuddles!

The rain and wind has paused, so I can go spend some time with my sheep!  This is my favourite lamb, and by the looks of it, I am her favourite human!  (Taking selfies with a lamb is infinitely harder than you imagine -- this is the best shot of a VERY bad bunch!)

So now that tupping is over for the year all the girls are back together -- four ewes who are hopefully in lamb, two ewes who I didn't tup because they are nuisances, and four ewe lambs awaiting their turn next autumn.

In other news, here's a batch of wild-fermented apple wine I've just started -- check back in a few months and I'll let you know how it tastes!

Cookie in one of her favourite sleeping spots on a sunny day -- the car!  She is clearly looking annoyed because she knows that as soon as I put away the camera I'm removing her from her spot!

And this is a quantity of pork stock -- I'm cleaning out the bits and bobs from the bottom of one of the freezers, in preparation for Pete going on there -- so there will be lots of stock making over the next week or two!

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