Sunday 26 May 2024

More lambs!!!

Let's start with a lovely shot of Freya camouflaging herself into the wall in the evening sunshine...

Actually, what she's doing is supervising lambing because mere hours after Shy Ewe gave us this ewe lamb on Monday afternoon...

...No Name Lamb went and had a lamb of her own!  As expected, teenage sheep don't make good mothers.  I watched her lamb unassisted -- and then she just lay there with the lamb on the ground behind her -- so I had to go and move the lamb to where she could see it and THEN instinct kicked in and she started licking it clean...

They ended up spending a couple of days in the barn because every time the lamb went to suck the bloody ewe turned round again so she could keep licking!

Here they are out in the field -- yes, it's another black ewe lamb.  Sadly, I won't breed from her because her parents are half-siblings, and the other black ewe lamb turns out not to be black (more about this later), so the quest goes on...

Fingers crossed this is now the end of lambing 2024 because 10 lambs is WAY more than enough!

In completely unrelated news, these are the remnants of some old hay bales that I had stacked up in a corner to provide some shelter for the sheep months ago during the winter winds.  They have sprouted quite a variety of mushrooms, some of which I don't think I've ever seen the likes of before!  
Don't worry, I'm not eating any of them, but if any of my mushroom friends would like to ID any, it would be much appreciated...

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