Monday 20 May 2024

The things that give my life meaning...

Starting with the chick pic as promised, here she is teaching the little ones how to eat!  It takes a bit of looking, but there are six chicks in that photo -- can't wait to see what they look like when they grow up!  And also, the eggs were all from our hens, but our hens are such a random assortment now -- so is the difference in colour because they are just from different hens with different genetics or have we inadvertently created a sex-linked cross?  Watch this space and find out...  :)

Here's the little ewe lamb who I thought might not make it -- she is certainly quite healthy now -- and so is her titchy brother -- who is still small, but gaining weight rapidly!

And in some slightly unexpected news -- back in December, Brown Ewe's ram lamb -- the one who I thought was dead -- managed to get the wrong side of a fence for about six hours.  I duly noted down the date in the diary just in case.  

Just went out to find that Shy Ewe has had a lamb.  Now, the earliest possible date that I calculated for Dead Lamb's lambs was Wednesday -- date of tupping +147 days + 5 days extra.  So one of two things could have happened here -- she could just be seven days early (possible) or Pete could have got her through the fence (also possible)...  Will go check in a bit to make sure there's not a twin, but somehow we now have 9 lambs this year despite all my efforts to have fewer than we did last year (7)!

Lamb and ewe both seem fine; will have a closer look and catch the lamb tomorrow after they've had a bit of bonding time.

Here's a progress shot of the roof -- yes, those are polycarbonate panels -- so I am thinking that inside we can do something like the Ninfarium at Aberglasney...  Or at least a lemon tree or two!

And I will leave you with the lovely view I had post-swim this morning while I drank my coffee -- practically tropical!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely terrific!!!!