Monday, 4 July 2005

Have just been to collect the eggs and this one was a bit broken at one end so I tried to crack it (was going to put the shell in the compost and the egg down the sink) and underneath the shell was this very thick membrane that I had difficulty puncturing with my thumb -- any ideas?


Anonymous said...

the membrane may have responded to the air if the egg was broken ... the membrane also gets thick when a chicken develops inside .. however if you collect them each day this would not have time to happen.
My Nan had chickens she said never to put egg shell on a compost pile unless you wash it as the small draws rats, esp in the summer months. Put the shells in a warm oven for a hour or so to dry them then crush then fine and put them in a bowl for the chickens, they will use it to make more shell ! (not sure you can do this if you are selling the eggs)

Jessica at Bwlchyrhyd said...

I do wash the shells before putting them on the compost heap, and between next door's dogs and our cat I don't think we need to worry about rats! :)

Regarding feeding your shells back to the chickens -- I am aware that you can do this, but it kind of creeps me out, so I feed them oyster shell instead...