Finally got my camera back yesterday (and I also bought
another camera, but that's another story...) so here's a lovely picture of the slugs I caught this morning before breakfast:

Why I am so desperate to kill slugs you ask? Aside from the fact that they are evil horrible creatures of destruction, I want to protect my lovely little lettuces who were good enough to give me my first salad of the season today -- fresh from the garden with a twist of black pepper and a drizzle of
British rapeseed oil...

We have finally had a bit of sun this week, but up until now, it's been a pretty horrible spring. This lilac, which only just really started flowering a couple of days ago, was in full flower two weeks earlier last year...

One last thought to leave you with -- this just arrived in my inbox -- if you live in the area, please try to come along Monday morning and show your support!
Protest against post office closure in Dryslwyn next Monday
Tony and Madeleine Graf are campaigning against the closure of Dryslwyn Post Office and shop. Tony writes:
We are desperately concerned about the proposed closure of Dryslwyn post office.The proprietor tells us that he cannot afford to continue with the shop/post office which already makes a loss, if the P.O. part is withdrawn. This a decision (to be announced on June 3) which must be challenged and reversed for the following reasons:
- It is the only such facility for more than 5 miles.
- The bus service is infrequent (one might say rare).
- With rising fuel costs many people (particularly older ones) will not be able to afford the extra 10- mile round trip to the nearest alternative.
- 3 others have closed in the surrounding areas in the last few years, which means that this is the last remaining place where people can meet as a community (apart from the pubs). This is so important in a dispersed community where isolation can lead to so many problems, including mental health issues.
The issue here is not about buying stamps, and any proposal to substitute the post office with a peripatetic van will not address the key issue, which is about social cohesion and sustainable development in the local community.
Dryslwyn post office, in common with many rural post offices, is more than a provider of stamps and other post related services, it is a focal point for the community. As such the proposal to close it is flying in the face of Westminster and WAG policy on social cohesion and sustainable communities.
Post peak oil, as we move into energy descent, it will be even more important to retain such services at a local level. Let us not "do a Beeching" on them, and repent at leisure.
Tony has organised a protest to be held outside Dryslwyn post office on Monday 12 May at 10am.
Our MP, Adam Price will be there, together with Assembly members and local councillors, and the Carmarthen Journal will be there with a photographer.
Tony wants to get an impressive number of local people to show we care, so anyone is more than welcome.