Wednesday 6 October 2021

Catching up -- already!

As I suddenly realise that my camera is filling up with photos that I haven't posted...  Must make this a daily habit...

The hens are settling in nicely.  I tried to shoot some video of them coming out of their house for the first time but technology is not cooperating with me these days so...  They tend to follow Danny around and get in his way which is rather funny as Danny then talks to them like they are dogs and have some level of comprehension...  :)

Speaking of coming out of their house, big thank you to John & Steve who gave us the chicken coop that they were no longer using -- despite carefully putting all the fastener bits into a container and taping it up and labelling it, we've had to go to the store and buy new fasteners as can't find the container now...!

For everybody who has inquired about Freya --- this is from Monday night -- her first mouse!  I think this is proof that she is settling in well and has thoroughly recovered from meeting the chickens...  

Our first rainbow at Sparrowhall -- you could actually see both ends touching the ground, but it was so big I couldn't find anywhere to take a photo from that got both ends in -- I would have needed a fisheye lens!

And in case anybody was wondering why it's called Sparrowhall -- they are everywhere...!


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