Thursday 21 October 2021

Island Logistics

Eventually we will have our own pigs, but until then, in our quest to shorten our food chain, we found somebody on Eday, the next island over from us, who was selling 1/2 a pig for the freezer.  So far so good, but how to get the pig from Eday to Sanday...

Fear not, the pig farmer had the answer...  On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the morning ferry from Kirwall calls at Eday before it comes to Sanday, so he put the pig on, and I went down to the ferry to meet it, and after docking, one of the ferry staff comes walking off the ferry with my box of pig...!

Tasting larger cuts of meat will have to wait until we get an oven, but I can say that the sausages are yummy!

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