Sunday 5 March 2006

What we did with our Saturday...

So in our house we only have one power point in each room. This sort of reaches its worst point in our study where we have 3 computers, etc., and power strips and cords draped across the floor everywhere... So yesterday, Greg said that he thought that if he ADDED one more power strip to the mess, he could then re-route it so it ran across the top of the door frame rather than across the middle of the floor and it would make the room tidier and life simpler. I said that sounded like a great idea... So Greg was trying to neatly fasten this power strip around the top of the door frame with cable clips when he drove one of the clips into one of the central heating pipes (which are NOT behind the walls)... With the help of a very helpful little book which Calcot gave us for Xmas several years ago (thank you!), we have now managed to successfully repair our central heating system and gain a thorough understanding of it's workings in the process...

And because I haven't posted one in a while, here's a gratuitous photo of the kitties...

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