So I finally checked to see what was left under the hen this morning: two eggs that were apparently not fertile, and one chick that never made it out of the membrane...
The one chick that did survive however is settling in well with her mummy in their new spacious home...
In gardening queries: What is this brown/rotten stuff on the underside of these tomatoes? Is it tomato blight? My book says that the symptoms of tomato blight are black spots on the fruit and browning at the edges of the leaves, but the leaves on these plants look fine. If it makes any difference, these are all Moneymaker tomatoes. The Gardener's Delight tomatoes all look absolutely fine. Any idea? I have disposed of the offending specimens, but should I destroy the plants I took them from to keep it spreading? Or is it something completely benign? Help please!
The Mother Night
4 weeks ago
You can often get small brown marks on the bottom of tomatoes (usually crisp, dried areas) from sporadic watering, but I haven't seen this kind of problem before.
That should be the problem here as we do water daily. The dark spot is not crisp at all -- more rotten and soft while the rest of the tomato is still quite hard.
Your new chick is so very sweet!
Just guessing, but it could be blossom end rot- caused by a soil deficiency.... Certain cultivars are more prone to it than others.
this link may be helpful...
I think you may be right Cyndy! The question is, is it too late to do anything about it this year?'s probably too late to fix at this point. I had it once with a Sans Marzano type..I still used the fruit..just cut out the bad spots and sauced the rest.
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